Friday, April 16, 2010
China and the United States have shared dominance of the virtual world market for years on the backs of games like Lineage and World of Warcraft, but a new entrant may be on the horizon.

According to a study by Deloitte, rapidly industrializing Brazil is prepared to sate its citizens’ craving for virtual worlds by expanding its commercial Metaverse presence. Wired Brazilians are prepared to build virtual worlds that appeal to the Latin American community.

Who’s ready for some creative destruction?

Brazilian Prosperity, In-World and Out

20 years ago, Brazil was just another Latin American country with crippling governmental problems. A commodities boom and shrewd leadership – most notably the techno-friendly terms of President “Lula” Da Silva – helped turn world impressions on their head.

According to the Deloitte study, Brazil leads the world in logged-in citizens, with over 34% of the Brazilian population actively participating in virtual worlds. These aren’t just passive players – 55% of Brazilians are virtual content creators in either online worlds or social media, compared to just 45% in the United States.

This means big things for Brazil in the coming years. Brazil’s population is young, with an average age of 28. Compare that to the middle-aged United States, at 37 years. The content creation and web development skills young Brazilians will bring to the international job market as their country continues its economic climb will almost certainly compete with older American developers.

Vida Segunda?

America’s Internet advantage means little. Despite having nearly 75% of Americans wired compared to only 25% of Brazilians, the Deloitte study shows Brazilians are setting the pace in terms of content creation and the development of small start-up virtual worlds. What they lack in connected population, Brazilians make up for in long-repressed techno-innovation.

With programs like ClaseMovil aiming to spread virtual world literacy in Latin America through online classrooms, the possibility of a Brazil becoming a booming techno-hub is increasingly likely.

As the 2016 Olympics brings new attention and investment to Brazil’s budding virtual industries, the United States and China may soon have a new turf war in the Metaverse.


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